Monday, August 31, 2015


In the  entertainment page of a newspaper, we commonly see the movie guide,  the celebrity section and the mind twisiting  portion like the jigsaw puzzle, the word puzzle and the "Hanapin ang mali!" which is one of our favourites.   We, people are expert in finding what is the different, the flaw, the spot, the fault and  most popularly known as the negative attitude of our life's system.

Negative attitude is the state of being negative. (hehehe ang galing definition ano?) Being  negative , it was  emanated from our negative emotions interacts with us like pride, lust, anger, envy, glutonny, anxiety and slothness and even in  pleasant things  in excess like over enthuasm, passions, elations or even certains forms of love, can also generate negative emotions.

By answering  the questions below we can determine how we react negatively in our daily lives.  Be honest with your answers.
1.  Do you complain often of "feeling bad"?
2.   Are you sarcastic and offensive in your conversation?
3.   Do you frequently make mistakes in your work?
4.   Do you delibrately avoid the association of anyone?
5.   Do you like your occupation?
6.    Are you envious of those who excell you?
7.    Do you often feel self pity?
8.    To which do you devote most time, thinking success or failure?
9.    Do you find fault with other people at the slightest provocation?
10.  Do you learn something of value from all  your mistakes and mistakes of others?

Some times we do not know we are so negative in our reactions. When we find our selves to be negative,  admit it and find ways to change our attitude for the better.  If you are good in mathematics,  I'll give you tips. When a negative integer is added to a negative integer, it will give you greater negative answer.  And the other way around, if a negative number is to be added to a greater positive  number, you will get a positive result.

That is the same also with our daily life,  to eliminate the negative attitude in our life, we must put more positive actions with courage and determinations everytime we think, feel and do. Positive thinking drives your fear away, builds self confidence and gives the power to achieve accomplishments after accomplishments.

During a business seminars,  one of the attendees ask this question:  " How can I become successful in my network marketing business?"

The speaker said:  "You are only an attitude away from success."

All personal achievements start with how a person thinks.  If a man thinks he can make it, chances are he will achieve something.  But if he thinks he can't make it, chances are are he won't succeed.

All the things are provided needed to make achievements are already installed in YOU - the THOUGHT AND BELIEF. All you need to do is to exercise your power to think the right  beliefs. Your success will  definitely come from YOU, not from upline, downline, crossline,  your product and company.  Yes, they are factors but  ultimately you are the main source of your success. No one will do it for you. ONLY YOU.

Do you know of one thing in this world that you have 100% contol? Its your thought.  No one can control another unless that person gets permission.  So you wanna be aware of the powerful mind you have!

 Don't waste your precious  time on  blaming, complaining, resentment, anger, bitterness, jealousy, feeling victimized by something, anxiety and fear that paralyzed our calmness.
Calmness gives a cool situation to think of better and safe idea, having faith with our Almighty Father God.

Let's go back to our equation:

Right Beliefs =  Right Actions
Wrong Beliefs = Wrong Actions

Learning these process is done in a gradual (little by little) manner  continously and one day you will be amazed that you have leveled up.

 Success requires change. Change in your attitude, habits and even in the way you project yourself.

If you have developed  right beliefs, automatically you have developed RIGHT MENTAL ATTITUDE.

 Again,  you are only an attitude away to your desired result!

Right Mental Attitude = Right Approach
Wrong Mental Attitude = Wrong Approach.

So, what is the right approach  in sponsoring  for MLM business?

1. You should have right mental attitude.  
Even all stars and moon fall, winning is always in your mind. Winning mind always search for the best solutions.

2. You must have abundant mindset.
a) You must not look desperate and needy.
b)  You must not look pushy, argumental, defensive, pleaseful and convincing type but lead the prospect in a way how your opportunity will help him and understand his objections or real concern for the matter.
c)  You are the one giving favor  by  giving them financial  and time freedom.  Make a way that the  prospect  will not buy  the idea that you want him to join because you wanted income.

 3.  Brand yourself as a leader to lead, teach, guide and direct your group to a definite goal.
a) Give your group a step by step guidelines and strategies on the mechanics of the business.
b) When the member is going out of direction, motivate him to the best of your ability.
c)  Show and give them the best examples  because they are following you.

I will share a video that really touches my awareness that change my negative way of life to a peaceful and  fulfilling a definite goal- financial and time freedom and enjoy what life may bring.

If you enjoy reading my write up and inspired by the video, press the like button, share and  dont forget to give your comments. Thanks and  God bless.

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